1152700 • Issue 1 • February 2001 • Operation and Maintenance
Page 2-345
© 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
Page 6 of 6
Example: If a three node ring with one expansion shelf is used with NE.1, NE.2 and NE.3 and
NE.4, then the following command would need to be entered on the NMIC:
• rm /cellworx/config/NE.?
53. For each NMIC, delete the NMIC configuration file using the following command:
• rm /cellworx/config/NMIC
54. Perform a “shutdown -h now” on each NMIC to halt the LINUX operating system.
55. Reboot all the nodes in the system, rebooting the node containing the NMICs last.
Rebooting requires extracting and reinserting all cards in the shelf. The Shelf Controller
and the NMIC can alternatively be rebooted without extraction by simultaneously pressing
the enable and reset buttons under the front panel of the card.
56. At this point follow the complete ring turn-up procedure described in NTP-002.
Stop! You have completed this procedure.