
Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client Programmer’s Guide
Key Operations
used to remove menu items from the context-sensitive menu shown when an asset is selected
in one of your custom projects, if some operations are not supported.
Figure 4 shows context-sensitive menu items when a file in a standard Version Cue project is
selected in Adobe Bridge CS3. Note how there are nearly twenty menu items shown for this
context-sensitive menu.
FIGURE 4 Context-sensitive Menu for Standard Version Cue Project
Figure 5 shows the context-sensitive menu when an asset is selected in “Sample Custom
Project”; note there are only around ten context-sensitive menu items shown— around half
the number compared to a standard project as shown in Figure 4. The custom project has
reduced functionality compared to the standard project, and so the Version Cue Server plug-in
that provides the custom project needs some way to communicate to the Version Cue client
that the set of functionality has been restricted.