Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client Programmer’s Guide
z Version Cue Ser ver — The server component of Version Cue CS3.
z Version Cue Server plug-in — A plug-in developed in Java™ using the Version Cue SDK,
conforming to the pattern required to be loaded and called by Version Cue Server.
NOTE: Unless noted otherwise, references to any Adobe product always mean the CS3
Version Cue clients, such as Adobe Bridge CS3 or Adobe InDesign® CS3, are integrated with
the Version Cue CS3 client libraries (Windows DLLs or Mac OS frameworks) and can be pro-
grammed through the scripting interface to these libraries, which is a JavaScript API. This
scripting interface allows you to customize the user interface of the Version Cue client and
have your own JavaScript code execute at the client. For details, see the Scripting Interface Ref-
erence, which is included in the Help system of the IDE for Version Cue SDK.
Point products in the Adobe Creative Suite CS3, like Adobe InDesign CS3 and Adobe Photo-
shop CS3, use the Adobe Common User Interface, such as the Adobe File > Open dialog. The
dialog enables end users to open a file with a uniform user experience on both Mac OS® and
Windows®. The Adobe Common User Interface is an alternative to platform-specific file-open
dialogs, with divergent behaviour on Mac OS and Windows.
Another key aspect of the Adobe Common User Interface is that it integrates with Version
Cue and enables end users to interact with Version Cue Server; for example, check out files for
editing, see historical versions of a file, check in a version to Version Cue Server, and search for
assets matching a specification on a Version Cue Server.
We recommend using Adobe Bridge CS3 to exercise Version Cue extensibility features illus-
trated by the Version Cue SDK sample plug-ins, as it has the deepest integration with Version
Cue. However, you should also try using the Adobe File > Open dialog and other elements of
the Adobe Common User Interface from point products in Creative Suite CS3, such as Adobe
InDesign CS3 or Adobe Photoshop CS3, to understand how the extensibility enabled by Ver-
sion Cue shows up in the other components of the Adobe user interface.
Key Operations
Customizing Asset Icons/ Thumbnails
A key aspect of Version Cue extensibility is customizing how assets appear in the Adobe Com-
mon User Interface; for example, providing your own choice of icons or thumbnails for
projects, folders, or files. The same extensibility mechanisms that operate in the Adobe Com-