Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client Programmer’s Guide 25
Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client Programmer’s Guide
Scripting Environment
The thread executing in the critical section sends a SOAP request, receives a SOAP response
(or a time-out period is exceeded, if there is network congestion or a Version Cue Server is
unavailable), and leaves the critical section, releasing the mutex. The next thread acquires the
mutex, enters the critical section, sends the SOAP request, waits for a SOAP response (or time-
out period to be exceeded), and so on.
A single Version Cue client issues only one SOAP request at a time; however, if you have mul-
tiple Version Cue clients (such as Bridge and Photoshop) on one machine, they can issue con-
current requests to the Version Cue Server. There also can be multiple machines with Version
Cue clients issuing concurrent requests to a single Version Cue Server. To ensure responsive-
ness at each client, the Version Cue Server must support a high degree of request concurrency.
Scripting Environment
Before you Begin
To execute, test and debug Adobe ExtendScript and ScriptUI scripts as well as JavaScript code
that uses the Version Cue client scripting interface, you must install and use Adobe Extend-
Script Toolkit 2. Note that ExtendScript Toolkit 1, which was installed by Creative Suite CS2, is
not compatible with developing JavaScript code for Version Cue CS3 clients.
The ExtendScript Toolkit is a JavaScript integrated development environment (IDE); it is
described in more detail in the JavaScript Tools Guide in the Adobe Bridge CS3 SDK, which
describes developing JavaScript code with the ExtendScript Toolkit.
ExtendScript Toolkit is a source-level debugger for JavaScript; you can use it to execute and
debug JavaScript code written against the Version Cue client scripting interface— for instance,
you can set breakpoints and single-step through the JavaScript code. JavaScript code can be
opened and edited directly in the ExtendScript Toolkit or pasted into an open editor window
in the Toolkit from another editor if you prefer.
ExtendScript: a JavaScript implementation
ExtendScript is an implementation of the ECMA-262 JavaScript specification, developed by
Adobe and used by Creative Suite applications with a scripting interface. To support develop-
ing and debugging, ExtendScript provides features and utilities above and beyond the ECMA-
262 specification. ExtendScript also supports integration of XML data into JavaScript, accord-
ing to the ECMA-357 specification— it supports a subset of that implementation we call Mini-