Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client Programmer’s Guide
Key Operations
The custom project icon in Figure 1 is provided by a sample plug-in for Version Cue Server
named sample.customproject; this sample plug-in is the reference implementation for con-
necting to an external system and provides a model of how you would implement an adapter
between your external system and the Adobe Creative Suite CS3 point products.
Selecting projects in the Content pane of Bridge or the Adobe File > Open dialog and double-
clicking to explore them— or using the context-sensitive menu item Open— has the side effect
of mounting the projects, at which point resources may be sent by the Server to modify the user
interface to the project or contribute additional logic.
In addition to customizing the icons for projects, you can customize how folders display in the
Adobe user interface. Figure 2 shows an example of a standard Version Cue project displayed
in Adobe Bridge CS3, with a drop folder provided by the SDK sample named sample.drop-
folder. The folder named sample.dropfolder displays a different icon than a standard folder.
FIGURE 2 Customized Icons for a Folder
You also can customize the thumbnails/icons displayed at the level of individual files. See the
SDK sample named sample.customproject for an example of providing custom thumbnails for
file-based assets; see the Thumbnail implementation class in that sample.
Note that there are extensibility mechanisms to enable you to customize the appearance of
assets in the Adobe user interface for both assets in your own external projects and standard
Version Cue projects. Note also that asset in the context of Version Cue is a generic term,
which can be used to refer to a project, a folder or a file.
For More Information
See the following resources:
z VersionCueSDK IDE Help > Version Cue SDK Help > Samples Guide > CustomProject
z VersionCueSDK IDE Help > Version Cue SDK Help > Samples Guide > DropFolder