Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client Programmer’s Guide 9
Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client Programmer’s Guide
Key Operations
Custom Metadata
Version Cue clients can display custom metadata provided by your Version Cue Server plug-
ins, in contexts such as the Inspector Panel of Adobe Bridge CS3 or the File Info area of the
Adobe File > Open dialog.
The Inspector Panel in Adobe Bridge CS3 is a read-only metadata view component of the
Bridge user interface, which lets per-asset metadata be visualized; it is entirely different from
the standard Bridge Metadata panel, which is used to display and edit XMP-based metadata.
Figure 3 shows a view of custom metadata for an asset selected in the Content pane of Adobe
Bridge CS3. The Inspector Panel displays custom metadata for a file selected in the Content
FIGURE 3 Inspector Panel in Bridge showing Custom Metadata
Note that for a Version Cue Server plug-in to display metadata in a context such as the Inspec-
tor Panel, one of its responsibilities is to advertise a particular project capability to the Version
Cue clients; in this case, the capability to overwrite the metadata view at the Version Cue client
for assets within a particular project. In “Modifying Project Capabilities” on page 9, we exam-
ine what capabilities are in a little more detail.
For More Information
See VersionCueSDK IDE Help > Version Cue SDK Help > Samples Guide > Custom Metadata
Modifying Project Capabilities
In addition to advertising the additional capabilities a Version Cue Server plug-in supports for
a given project, the Version Cue Server plug-in also can restrict or remove capabilities from
the default set, or provide only a specific subset. For instance, this extensibility feature can be