Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client Programmer’s Guide
Key Operations
Your Version Cue Server plug-in can use this external reference to propagate any changes to a
syndicated asset in the standard Version Cue project back to the external system. For example,
if your external DAM system supports versioning, you may want to create a new version of the
original asset in the external system when a Creative Suite end user saves a new version of the
syndicated asset to the standard project. This extensibility function is demonstrated by the
sample.customproject sample in the Version Cue SDK, which listens for new versions of an
asset being saved and propagates the newly saved version out to the external system.
When the user finishes working on a given asset, he could break the connection between the
asset in the standard project and the asset in the external system, and archive the asset to the
external system. This is referred to as de-syndication.
For CS3, client-side support syndication is implemented by drag-and-drop or copy-paste
within the Adobe Bridge CS3 user interface:
z You can drag-drop or copy/paste files/ folders from an external project to a standard Ver-
sion Cue project. When the drag or paste is received by the standard Version Cue project, a
check-in dialog appears, and you can supply a check-in comment.
z As a result of the gesture, the asset is shown in the standard (WIP) project. The Version
Cue Server stores the back-link (external reference) with the original asset in its database as
asset-level metadata, where the key is com.adobe.versioncue/externId.
z After syndication, the user should be able to work with the asset as usual; however, check-
ins also will affect the original asset in the DAM project. This behavior is implemented only
as part of this sample.customproject reference implementation, and developers outside
Adobe probably will use different mechanisms. No further de-syndication process is imple-
mented on the server side. For instance, end users cannot communicate with the Version
Cue Server directly via a user interface gesture that they want to de-syndicate— that is,
break the connection between asset in standard project and external project.
Figure 6 shows syndicating an asset from an external project named “Sample Custom Project”
to a standard Version Cue project, in this case named “StandardProject”. The asset on the left
is in the custom project, and the asset on the right is in the standard project.