Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client Programmer’s Guide 13
Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client Programmer’s Guide
Key Operations
FIGURE 6 An Asset Syndicated from a Custom Project
In the CustomProject sample plug-in, the external asset and the asset in the standard (WIP)
project are kept in synchronization, using a storeContent listener. When a new version of the
asset in the standard project is saved, the external asset in the custom project from which it was
downloaded also is updated. To verify that the external asset— in the contentroot folder of this
CustomProject sample— and the standard (WIP) asset are kept in synchrony, follow these
1. Select the syndicated (standard) asset in the standard project in Content pane of Adobe
Bridge CS3, and check out the asset from the context-sensitive menu item.
2. Use Reveal in Explorer/ Finder to locate the checked-out local replica file.
3. Edit the local replica file in an appropriate application.
4. Save the edited file locally.
5. Synchronize back to the Version Cue Server by executing the context-sensitive menu item
“Synchronize” when the syndicated asset is selected.
6. Open the original external asset in the contentroot folder of the CustomProject sample in
an appropriate application and check that the changes were applied to this asset.