Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client Programmer’s Guide 5
Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client Programmer’s Guide
Adobe Version Cue CS3
Client Programmer’s Guide
This document describes the Adobe® Version Cue® client from a programmer’s perspective. It
is intended for system integrators integrating with Version Cue, who are already writing plug-
ins for Version Cue Server™.
This document describes the extensibility features enabled by Version Cue SDK at the Version
Cue clients such as Adobe Bridge® CS3, and how you can extend Version Cue clients to con-
nect Adobe Creative Suite® 3 to an external system; for instance, a digital asset management
(DAM) system.
The extensibility model for Version Cue client is based on server-driven scripting. JavaScript
code can be sent from a Version Cue Server plug-in to a Version Cue client, to modify the cli-
ent’s user interface and/or provide additional logic.
We describe the scripting interface at a conceptual level and indicate how to start writing the
JavaScript needed to integrate with and extend the Version Cue client. In addition to sending
scripts from the client to the Version Cue Server, you can also extend the SOAP protocol that
is used to communicate between the clients and Version Cue Server to enable your own cus-
tom operations to be triggered at the server-side and we discuss how this protocol extension
fits into the extensibility model.
It may also be necessary in some cases to add a client-side component that uses the Version
Cue client scripting interface but that you cannot deliver through a server-driven JavaScript.
For instance, if you want to add a new tabbed palette to the user interface of Adobe Bridge CS3
that was integrated with your external system through the Version Cue Server, then you would
have to install the JavaScript code to create this tabbed palette as a separate client-side compo-
nent. We provide some basic guidance on what you can achieve with the model of server-
driven JavaScript, and when you might have to add some client-side components that cannot
be delivered by server-driven scripts.
z Adobe Bridge™ — Adobe Bridge CS3, a particularly privileged Version Cue client.
z ExtendScript — An Adobe implementation ECMA-262 JavaScript specification, used by
Creative Suite applications.
z ExtendScript Toolkit (ESTK) — An integrated development environment (IDE) developed
by Adobe for writing and debugging JavaScript code. To develop JavaScript code for Cre-
ative Suite CS3, you must use the latest version of ExtendScript Toolkit 2.0.
z Version Cue client — The client component of Version Cue CS3. This is a point product in
Creative Suite CS3. This is a client of the Version Cue Server and uses the Version Cue pro-
tocol to communicate with the Version Cue Server.