Editing Programs: Chapter 6
QuadraSynth Plus Piano Reference Manual 107
that the Pitch Envelope’s Trigger parameter (see next page) is set
to “Freerun”. However, when the Delay is set to “Hold”,
“Freerun” mode is forced on regardless of the Trigger
parameter’s setting.
Sustain Decay (00 to 99)
This is the amount of time that the envelope will take during the
sustain stage to bring the level down to 0. If this is set to 99, the
envelope will remain at the Sustain level until the note is
released. When set to 0, the envelope’s level will immediately
jump down to 0 upon reaching the sustain stage.
Trigger (Normal, Freerun, Reset, Reset-Freerun)
The Trigger mode determines how the envelope will function.
You may select either Freerun or Reset, or both (Reset-Freerun)
or neither (Normal). When set to Normal, the envelope will
always start at its current level (i.e., if another note had been
played which triggered the envelope’s cycle, playing another
note in the middle would not interrupt the cycle). Also in
Normal mode, the envelope will immediately advance to its
release stage upon releasing the note. When set to Freerun, the
envelope will complete its entire cycle, even if the note is
released in the middle. When set to Reset, the envelope starts at
the beginning whenever a new note is played. When set to Reset-
Freerun, the envelope will start at the beginning whenever a
new note is played and will complete its entire cycle, even if the
note is released in the middle.
If a sound layer’s Keyboard Mode parameter (found in the Pitch
Function, Page 3, Quad Knob [4]) is set to “Mono”, the Pitch
Envelope will only retrigger when playing legato if the Trigger
Mode is set to either “Reset” or “Reset-Freerun”.
Pitch Envelope (Page 3)
Time Tracking (On or Off)
This determines whether or not keyboard position will affect the
cycle speed of the envelope. When turned on, playing toward
the higher end of the keyboard will result in a faster envelope
cycle; playing toward the lower end of the keyboard will result
in a slower envelope cycle. However, this does not effect the
attack time, but only the decay, sustain decay and release
segments. This feature will result in only a subtle change. The
envelope’s timing doubles or halves over a range of two octaves.
Sustain Pedal (On or Off)
This determines whether or not the Sustain Pedal will have an
effect on the envelope. When turned on, holding down the
Sustain Pedal while playing short notes is virtually the
equivalent to holding down those notes on the keyboard with
some subtle but important differences. If the Delay and Attack
are set to 0 and either the Decay is 0 or the Sustain is 99, the
envelope will immediately jump to the sustain decay stage (if