Editing Programs: Chapter 6
QuadraSynth Plus Piano Reference Manual 82
feed the sound to one of the effect buses for processing. See Chapter 7 for
more information on editing Effects.
Level (00 to 99)
Determines how much of the sound feeds the chosen effect bus
(see below). Higher values mean that the sound will be more
Bus (1 to 4)
Selects which of the four buses the sound will feed, thereby
determining which effect(s) will process the sound. Each
Program has its own unique arrangement of effects. Example: In
Program #12, bus 1 may be a Chorus/Delay/Reverb, while in
Program #27, bus 1 may just be a Flanger.
Pitch (Page 1)
Semitone (-24 to +24 semitones)
Sets the oscillator pitch in semitone steps, from -24 (transposed
down two octaves) to +24 (transposed up two octaves).
Detune (-99 to +99 cents)
Sets the oscillator pitch in cents, from -99 (transposed down
99/100 of a semitone) to +99 (transposed up 99/100 of a
Detune Type (Normal or Equal)
With Normal selected, the percentage of detuning remains the
same over the entire range of the keyboard, so the effects of
detuning sound the same no matter which key you play. With
Equal selected, the absolute amount of detuning remains the same
over the entire keyboard, so any detuning seems less
pronounced as you play higher up on the keyboard.
Pitch (Page 2)
Pitch Wheel Range (0 to 12 semitones)
Determines the maximum amount of pitch bend when the pitch
bend wheel is either full forward or back. Example: When set to
12, the pitch wheel will bend ±1 octave (12 semitones).
Aftertouch Depth (-99 to +99)
At +00, aftertouch has no effect on pitch. Applying aftertouch
(by pressing harder on the keyboard, or via MIDI messages)
with this parameter set to a positive value raises the pitch;
conversely, applying aftertouch through a negative value lowers
the pitch. The higher the number (either positive or negative),
the greater the amount of pitch change for a given amount of