Editing Mixes: Chapter 5
QuadraSynth Plus Piano Reference Manual 65
Range (Page 2)
MIDI In (On or Off)
This determines whether or not the selected channel will
respond to incoming MIDI messages.
MIDI Out (On or Off)
This determines whether or not the selected channel will
transmit MIDI messages.
Keyboard (On or Off)
This determines whether or not the selected channel will
respond to the keyboard, pitch-bend and mod wheels, foot
pedals and sustain pedal of the QuadraSynth Plus itself.
Range (Page 3)
The following four parameters determine whether or not specific types
of MIDI information will be received or transmitted, and are set
separately for each Channel in the Mix. These, however, are dependent
on how the individual Channels have their Range Page 2 parameters set
(described above).
Pitch-bend and Modulation Wheels (On or Off)
This determines whether or not the selected channel will
transmit and receive pitch-bend and modulation (controller 1)
MIDI information.
Aftertouch (On or Off)
This determines whether or not the selected channel will
transmit and receive aftertouch MIDI information.
Sustain Pedals (On or Off)
This determines whether or not the selected channel will
transmit and receive sustain pedal (controller 64) MIDI
Controllers (On or Off)
This determines whether or not the selected channel will
transmit and receive MIDI controller information which the
Controllers A–D and Pedals 1 & 2 are assigned to (these are
assigned to MIDI controllers in Global Mode, Page 3 and 5).
Transmitting MIDI Volume and Panning
Each Channel in a Mix can transmit its volume and panning settings via
MIDI, if the “MIDI Prog Select” parameter is set to “On” (Global Edit
Mode, Page 6, Quad Knob [1]). Volume level is sent as MIDI controller
#7, and panning is sent as controller #10. If the “MIDI Prog Select”
parameter is set to “On:"
• whenever a Mix is recalled (via the front panel or via MIDI),
volume and panning information will be transmitted;