Editing Programs: Chapter 6
QuadraSynth Plus Piano Reference Manual 99
The Trigger parameter determines how the LFO should be
triggered, or started. There are four possible settings: Mono,
Poly, Key Mono and Key Poly. When playing multiple voices in
a single sound, each voice has its own LFO. However, the LFO
Trigger parameter determines whether or not they should be in
sync, and whether or not they can be retriggered independent
from one another.
Mono. All voices’ LFOs are in sync with each other. If you hold a
chord and then play new notes on top of the chord, all voices’
LFOs will be moving in the same direction and at the same
speed. Because of this, modulating the LFO Speed using a voice-
specific source (such as velocity or one of the envelopes, for
example) will have no effect (you will be allowed to do this, but
you won’t hear any difference). This is because these modulation
sources are meant for polyphonic purposes. These include: Note
Number, Velocity, Release Velocity, PLFO, FLFO, ALFO, PENV,
FENV, AENV, Random, Trig Rate and Tracking Generator.
However, modulation sources which are not voice-specific will
still have an effect while the LFO Trigger is set to MONO. These
include: Aftertouch, Mod Wheel, Pitch Wheel, MIDI Volume,
Sustain Pedal, Pedal 1, Pedal 2, and Controllers A—D.
Poly. Each voice’s LFO is independent. If you hold a chord,
some voices’ LFOs will be moving in one direction while others
move in the other direction. If the LFO Speed is being modulated
(by one of the envelopes, for example), the LFO’s of each voice
may be running at different speeds.
Key Mono. This is identical to MONO, but whenever a new note
is played, the LFO is retriggered, instead of continuing from
wherever it may be in its cycle.
Key Poly. This is almost identical to POLY, but whenever a new
note is played, the LFO is retriggered, instead of continuing from
wherever it may be in its cycle.
Pitch LFO (Page 2)
Level (00 to 99)
This is the base output level of the Pitch LFO. If you want to
have a constant value of vibrato, even without using the Mod
Wheel or Aftertouch, set LEVEL above 00. The Mod Wheel and
Aftertouch will add or subtract from this base level. Example: If
Level is set to 10 and the Mod Wheel parameter is set to 10, there
will always be some vibrato, and raising the Mod Wheel will
add more vibrato. On the other hand, if the Mod Wheel
parameter is set to -10, raising the Mod Wheel to the top will
cancel out all vibrato.
Mod Wheel (-99 to 99)
This is the modulation amount of the Mod Wheel over the Pitch
LFO’s Level. A positive value raises the level when the Mod