Editing Programs: Chapter 6
QuadraSynth Plus Piano Reference Manual 93
About General Purpose Modulation
Although there are several dedicated modulators in the
QuadraSynth Plus (e.g., the pitch can always be modulated by
the pitch LFO and pitch envelope), sophisticated synthesizer
programming demands the ability to use as many modulation
sources as possible to modulate as many modulation
destinations as desired.
The QuadraSynth Plus arranges its modulation source outputs
and modulation destination inputs into a “matrix” so that any
selected source can connect to any of several destinations.
There are six general purpose matrix modulators, which allows
you to control up to six parameters with any of several control
Use the MOD functions to setup your own customized control of
a program, such as:
• Using one or both of the PEDAL inputs to control
volume, brightness (filter cutoff), effect level, LFO speed, etc.
• Using velocity to increase or decrease the attack speed of
an envelope, so playing softly makes the sound fade in, while
playing hard causes an immediate attack.
• Using release velocity to increase/decrease the release
time of an envelope, so quick releases of the keys cut off the end
of the sound, while slow key releases allow the sound to fade
away gradually.
The MOD functions give you the freedom to go beyond the
standard modulation sources built-in to other functions.
Selecting the Modulator (1 to 6)
Use the PAGE [♦] and PAGE [∅] buttons to select one of the six
modulators (modulator 1 is page 1, modulator 2 is page 2,
modulator 3 is page 3, etc.). All modulators work in the same
way, so only one will be described here.
Modulation Source
Quad Knob [1] selects one of several modulation sources:
• Note # provides a modulation signal that corresponds to
the note played on the keyboard (higher keys give higher
values). Example: Use this modulation source to obtain a
different sound in the upper and lower keyboard ranges.