Global Settings: Chapter 8
QuadraSynth Plus Piano Reference Manual 170
In Page 6 of Global Edit mode, Quad Knob [1] determines the MIDI Program
Select mode (Off, On, Mix Select Channel 1 –16). When this is set to “Off”, the
QuadraSynth Plus will not respond to incoming MIDI Program Change
messages, nor will it transmit Program Changes.
When set to “On”, the QuadraSynth Plus will respond to incoming Program
Change messages. Likewise, when a Program or Mix is recalled from the front
panel, its respective program change message will be sent out. However, the
QuadraSynth Plus will respond differently to incoming Program Change
messages depending on whether Program Mode or Mix Mode is selected.
In Program Mode, the MIDI [♦] and [∅] buttons determine on which MIDI
channel the QuadraSynth Plus will receive MIDI Program Change messages (as
well as other messages, like notes, controllers, etc.). The Program recalled will be
the same number as the MIDI Program Change message that is received, from
whichever bank (Preset or User) is currently selected. When a Program is
recalled from the front panel, the QuadraSynth Plus will transmit the equivalent
Program Change message on this same MIDI channel.
In Mix Mode, when MIDI Program select is on, Program Changes received on
any of the 16 MIDI channels will be received by the same numbered MIDI
channels in the current Mix. The Mix itself will not respond to Program Changes.
When set to “Mix Select Channel 1 – 16”, the QuadraSynth Plus will change
Mixes in response to Program Change messages received on the same MIDI
channel as selected by this parameter, from whichever bank (Preset or User) is
currently selected. Program Change messages received on any other channel
(other than the one selected by this parameter) will change the individual
Programs in the Mix on the same channels the messages are received on.
Note: When General MIDI Mode is enabled (see page 115), Channel 10 of the
selected Mix will be used exclusively for drums. If a program change is received
on Channel 10, a new drum kit will be recalled. These drum kits are used
exclusively in General MIDI mode, and adhere to the General MIDI specification.
Receiving and Transmitting Bank Change Message
The QuadraSynth Plus will respond to MIDI Bank Select messages. Bank
Select messages are transmitted via MIDI Controller 0. The value of
Controller 0 determines which bank (User, Preset 1–4, Card 1–8) is to be
recalled. Example: If a Bank Select (controller 0) message of 0 is received,
it will cause the User Bank to be recalled. If a Bank Select (message of 1 is
received, Preset Bank 1 will be recalled. Additionally, if a Sound Card is
inserted, the Card Banks can be selected using Controller 0 values
between 5 and 13. Values higher than 13 are “wrapped around” and will
recall the same Banks. Example: A Controller 0 message with a value of
39 will recall the User Bank.
Note: Bank change messages will be ignored if General MIDI Mode is
enabled, so that only Programs within the General MIDI Bank (Preset 4)
can be recalled via MIDI Program changes.