Overview: Chapter 4
QuadraSynth Plus Piano Reference Manual 42
and right-hand side of the display will show values related to that
function. Only the functions used by the current edit mode will be
displayed and selectable. Functions can also be selected from the
DIRECT SELECT buttons (see page 31).
• Page number strip. Some functions have too many options to fit
on a single screen. These functions use multiple screens, with each screen
considered a page. This strip shows which page is selected by
underlining the page number. The PAGE [♦] and [∅] buttons allow you
to select a page.
• Name strip. When in Mix Play Mode, the name of the currently
selected Mix will appear here. Likewise, when in Program Play Mode,
the name of the currently selected Program will appear here. In any Edit
mode or Store mode, the name of the currently selected parameter will
appear here indicating it is selected for editing using the VALUE [] and
[¬] buttons.
• Quad Knob/Button Label strip. This line is used to show the
labels of the bar graph meters, which determine the functions of the four
Quad Knobs and Buttons. These labels change depending on which
function and page is currently selected. The labels are abbreviations of
the parameters; the complete name (and value) of a selected parameter
will appear in the Name strip.
• Quad Knob bar graph meters. When a Quad Knob controls a
function’s parameter, an associated bar graph appears which reflects the
Knob’s setting. Note: Not all four Quad Knobs are active in all pages. If a
single line appears somewhere in the bargraph area, it indicates its
corresponding Quad Knob is active.
MIDI Buttons
The MIDI [♦] and [∅] buttons serve two purposes. In Program Play
Mode, they select the basic MIDI channel the QuadraSynth Plus will
receive and transmit MIDI messages on. In Mix Play Mode, they are used
to select one of the 16 Programs for viewing and editing.
For more information on MIDI and its uses, see Chapters 8 and 9, and
Appendix B.
Quad Knob Editing
The Quad Knobs have two editing modes: Immediate and Pass-thru.
When using the Quad Knobs to adjust parameter values, you may prefer
using one mode over the other. When set to Immediate, parameter
values jump immediately to the Quad Knob’s exact position the moment
it is moved. When set to Pass-thru, the Quad Knob must be turned
beyond the parameter’s current setting before it becomes “live” and
begins adjusting the parameter’s value.
The editing mode is set in Global Edit mode, Page 2, using Quad Knob
[3]. For more information about selecting the Quad Knobs’ editing mode,
see Chapter 8.