Global Settings: Chapter 8
QuadraSynth Plus Piano Reference Manual 166
MIDI mode will be enabled, and Mix 00 of Preset Bank 4 will
automatically be selected.
Master Pitch and Master Tuning
In Page 1 of Global Edit Mode, Quad Knob [3] adjusts the QuadraSynth Plus’s
overall pitch (-12 to +12/up or down an octave). Adjust this parameter when you
wish to globally transpose all sounds. Quad Knob [4] adjusts the QuadraSynth
Plus’s overall Master Tuning (-99 to +99/up or down 1/2 step). Adjust this
parameter when tuning the QuadraSynth Plus to other instruments. These
parameters have no effect on drum sounds, the Range settings, or MIDI Out.
Keyboard Sensitivity
In Page 2 of Global Edit mode, Quad Knob [1] adjusts how sensitive the
keyboard’s velocity will be (00 to 99). When set to 0, the keyboard will not
transmit any velocity, no matter how hard or soft the keys are played; all notes
will be treated as having a velocity of 64 (right in the middle). When set to 99, the
keyboard will have maximum sensitivity, allowing the greatest difference
between soft and loud notes in terms of velocity control. Adjust this value to
create the ideal sensitivity for your playing style. By lowering this value from 99,
you limit how loud and soft notes may be played.
Keyboard Curve
In Page 2 of Global Edit mode, Quad Knob [2] selects the Keyboard Velocity
Curve. There are three options: Weighted, Plastic and Maximum. When set to
weighted, the keyboard will have the velocity response of a weighted keyboard.
This means you will really have to play hard to get the loudest notes. When set to
plastic, the keyboard will have the velocity response of a typical plastic
keyboard. Plastic is not as sensitive as Weighted, therefore playing soft will not
result in the same soft notes as Weighted mode produces. When set to
Maximum, no velocity response is available, and all notes are given a maximum
velocity value of 127. This parameter only affects the keyboard’s output to the
sounds in the QuadraSynth Plus and MIDI Out. This is different from the
Velocity Curve parameter in Program Edit, which determines how a sound will
respond to incoming velocity information, either from the keyboard or from
Keyboard Transpose
In Page 2 of Global Edit mode, Quad Knob [3] controls Keyboard Transposition
(-12 to +12/up or down 1 octave). This determines the note number that the
keyboard will transmit to the QuadraSynth Plus’s sounds and to MIDI Out. If
you are using a MIDI sequencer, use this function when you wish to record notes
outside of the keyboard’s normal note range (note numbers 28 – 103). When set
to -12, the keyboard range is note numbers 16 – 91. Likewise, if set to +12, the
range would be 40 – 115.
Keyboard Mode