Attribute Check
To check the video display attributes, press 2 and then Enter.
Several messages are displayed showing examples of all the possible
display attributes and colors. (On the LCD, the colors appear as
gray tones.) Check the information on your screen and respond to
the prompt:
Is the display correct (Y/N)?
Press Y and Enter if the display is correct.
If the colors or gray tones are not correct, adjust the controls on
your LCD screen or monitor. If they are still incorrect, or if any of
the other attributes are not correct, press N and Enter.
On the LCD display, this test is run with gray scale mode 2 in
effect, regardless of how t
he DIP switches are currently set. Table
1-2, in Chapter 1, lists the mapping of colors to gray tones in
mode 2.
Contact your Epson dealer to verify any display problems.
Character Set Check
To check your 80-column character set, press 3 and then Enter.
The character fonts that are included in the internal character
generator are displayed. Check your screen display against the
following illustration:
Performing System