
Creating an Extended Partition
This section describes how to create an extended partition of 8MB,
designated as drive D. If you completed the steps described in the
previous section, you should already have a primary partition of
32MB if you have a 40MB hard disk. The primary partition is
designated as drive C.
After you have formatted the partitions, your computer operates as
if it had two separate hard disks-a 32MB drive C and an 8MB
drive D. If you prefer a different arrangement-for example, a
20MB drive C and a 20MB drive D-or if you want to split your
20MB hard disk into two partitions, see the instructions for FDISK
in your MS-DOS Reference Manual. The MS-DOS manual also
describes how to create multiple drives in the extended partition.
Splitting a hard disk into two logical drives does not require
you to run the setup program to change the configuration
information. The setup program is concerned only with the
number of physical disk drives in your system.
Follow these steps to create an extended partition on the hard disk
and designate it as drive D:
Insert the working copy of your Startup/Operating 1 diskette in
drive A if it is not there already.
At the A> prompt, type FDISK and press Enter.
3. Press 1 to select the Create DOS Partition option and
press Enter.
4. Press2
to select
Create Extended
and press Enter. The screen displays a message similar to this:
Total disk space is 1023 cylinders.
Maximum space available for partition
is 252 cylinders.
Enter partition size...........[252]
Preparing the Hard Disk for Use