Log onto drive C (your hard disk) if you are not there already.
If necessary, use the CD command to change to the directory
containing the file DISKCOPY.COM.
At the C> prompt, type the following and press Enter:
MS-DOS displays this message:
Insert SOURCE diskette in drive A:
Press any key when ready . . .
Insert the diskette you want to copy from (your source diskette)
in the diskette drive and press any key. DISKCOPY starts to
copy the contents of the diskette to the computer’s memory.
When the memory is full, the screen displays this message:
Insert TARGET diskette in drive A:
Press any key when ready . . .
Remove the diskette from drive A and insert the blank diskette
(your target diskette) in the drive. Press any key. DISKCOPY
checks to see if the new diskette is formatted. If it is not,
DISKCOPY formats the diskette. The copy operation begins
when the format is complete.
When DISKCOPY has copied the files from memory to the
target diskette, it prompts you to reinsert the source diskette so
it can copy the remaining data to the computer’s memory.
Insert the source diskette in drive A and press any key.
Once DISKCOPY has copied the rest of the source diskette’s
files to the computer’s memory, the screen prompts you to
reinsert the target diskette so that the remaining data can be
copied from memory to the target diskette. Insert the target
diskette and press any key.
When the copy is complete, you see this message:
Copy another diskette (Y/N)?
Press Y and Enter to copy another diskette or N and Enter to
return to the MS-DOS command prompt.
Using MS-DOS With Your Equity LT-286