Switch 1, use of parallel port-This switch tells your computer
whether a diskette drive or a parallel printer is connected to the
parallel port. If you have connected a parallel printer to this port,
set switch 1 off. If you have connected an external 5 1/4-inch
diskette drive to the port, set switch 1 on.
Failure to set switch 1 correctly may result in damage to your
Switch 2, external drive assignment-If you have connected an
external diskette drive to the computer, switch 2 determines
whether MS-DOS and your application programs access the drive
as drive A or drive B. If this switch is on, the built-in 3 1/2-inch
diskette drive is drive A and the external 5 1/4-inch diskette drive
is drive B. If this switch is off, the internal drive is B and the
external drive is A.
Certain copy-protected application programs require that an
original program diskette be in drive A when the program is started.
If you are running such a program and the original diskette is 5 1/4-
inch, be sure to set switch 2 off. Under all other circumstances, it is
best to leave it on.
Switch 3, primary or secondary serial port-This switch tells
the computer whether the serial connector on the back of the
computer is configured as a primary port (COM1) or a secondary
port (COM2). If this switch is off, MS-DOS recognizes this
connector as COM1; if it is on, MS-DOS recognizes it as COM2.
If you have not installed an internal modem in your Equity LT-286,
you probably want to leave switch 3 off. If you have installed an
internal modem, and you want the modem’s own serial port to be
COM1, set this switch on.
Switch 4, double-dot/single-dot select-This switch controls the
intensity with which characters are displayed on the screen. Set
this switch on for bold (double-dot) characters or off for light
(single-dot) characters.
Setting Up Your System