Backlight Period
In order to conserve the battery’s charge when you are running your
computer without the AC adapter, your screen is designed to go
blank after a preset period of inactivity. Initially, that period is two
minutes. If you don’t press any key on the keyboard for two
minutes, the screen’s backlighting is automatically turned off. To
turn it on again, press any key. To do this without disturbing a
program running on your computer, press Shift, Ctrl, or Alt.
You can change the period of time the computer waits before
darkening the screen to any value between 30 seconds and five
minutes, in half-minute increments. You can also disable the
automatic screen darkening feature by selecting an unlimited
backlight period. To change the backlight period, highlight
Backlight period
on the setup program’s main menu, then
press Enter. The following display appears:
Mass storage
'Backlight period
Gray scale
Press the + key to increase the backlight period or the -key to
decrease it. To disable automatic screen darkening, keep pressing
the + key until the display reads
No time limit.
Running the Setup Program