Short for MS-DOS. The Disk Operating System that controls
the computer’s input and output functions. See Operating system.
A type of diskette. Double-density 3 1/2-inch diskettes have a
capacity of 720KB.
Drive identifier
The letter name of a diskette drive or hard disk, followed by a
colon (A: or C:, for example).
Enhanced Graphics Adapter. A type of video monitor that can
display graphics. You can install a video card for an EGA
monitor in the Equity LT-286’s optional expansion chassis.
Executable file
A file containing program instructions. In MS-DOS, executable
files must have an extension of .BAT, .COM, or .EXE. To
execute an executable file, type its name at the command
prompt (with or without the extension).
Execution speed
The speed at which the CPU can execute commands. The
Equity LT-286 can run at 8 MHz or 12 MHz. Also called clock
speed, or operating speed.
Expansion chassis
An optional device containing two expansion slots. The slots
can accommodate devices (such as high-resolution graphics
adapters or additional memory) that can extend the capabilities
of your computer.
Expansion slot
A particular kind of connector that can accommodate an option
card. The expansion slot in your Equity LT-286, for example,
can be used to connect an internal modem to your system.
Glossary 7