Protecting the Data on Your Hard Disk
Although the hard disk is very reliable, it is essential to back up
your hard disk files onto diskettes in case you lose some data
Make backup copies of all your system and application program
diskettes before copying the program files to the hard disk. Copy
your data files frequently to keep your backup diskettes up to date.
Use the Epson MENU utility or the MS-DOS BACKUP command
to back up your hard disk files. Use the MENU utility or the
MS-DOS DISKCOPY command to make copies of your system
and program diskettes. For instructions on using these backup
utilities, see Chapter 5 or your MS-DOS manual.
Improving Hard Disk Performance
Your Reference diskette includes two utilities, called HDCACHE
and FASTOPEN, that can improve your hard disk’s performance.
For information about using these programs, see your MS-DOS
Turning Off the Hard Disk
Your computer’s hard disk has its own power switch. To avoid drive
access problems, it is best to leave this switch on at all times.
However, if you are running the computer without the AC adapter,
you may want to turn the hard disk off when you are not using it to
conserve battery charge. The hard disk drive consumes more of the
battery’s charge than a diskette drive. (Note that even if the hard
disk power switch is on, the hard disk isn’t on unless the computer
is on.)
Using the Equity LT-286