79 MS6000-EU-EN V1.4 8/12
Slope Trigger
Slope Trigger Mode
Trigger when < (Less than), > (Greater than), = (Equal), or ≠ (Not
Equal); Positive slope or Negative slope
Slope Trigger Point
Equal: The oscilloscope triggers when the waveform slope is equal to
the set slope.
Not Equal: The oscilloscope triggers when the waveform slope is not
equal to the set slope.
Less than: The oscilloscope triggers when the waveform slope is less
than the set slope.
Greater than: The oscilloscope triggers when the waveform slope is
greater than the set slope.
Time Range Selectable from 20ns to 10s
Overtime Trigger The leading edge: Rising edge or Falling edge; Time Setting: 20-10s
Alter (Swap)
CH1 Internal Trigger: Edge, Pulse Width, Video, Slope
CH2 Internal Trigger: Edge, Pulse Width, Video, Slope