Accessing PIM applications on your device
Desktop User Guide for Pylon Conduit and Pylon Pro, Version 5.4 /103
Resources — Stored in on-device Location field.
Note: Changes in the Location field on
device are ignored in a synchronization.
Exception: If the event is created on the
device, the Location field syncs to Lotus
Notes in the first sync only, but no informa-
tion about resources syncs to the
Resources field.
Categorize Categories (No difference from Lotus Notes.)
Notify me Reminder From device to Lotus Notes, the Lotus
Notes “Notify me” setting is set relative to
the device Start time. Lotus Notes events
with notification time set “After” the event
start time sync to the device with notifica-
tion time set equal to event start time.
Note: An alarm that is sett on either end
(Lotus Notes or device) is always preserved
in a sync.
Mark Private Sensitivity =
(No difference from Lotus Notes)
Pencil In
Status = Ten-
tative or
Status = Free
Lotus Notes Pencil In checked converts
back and forth to Status = Tentative on
device. From device to Lotus Notes, Status
of either Tentative or Free converts to Pen-
cil In checked.
Note: If you change on device the Status of
all instances of a repeating Reminder, that
change is not reflected in the individual
instances on device and does not sync back
to Lotus Notes.
Pencil In
Status = Busy
or Status =
Out of Office
From Lotus Notes to device, Pencil In
unchecked converts to Status = Busy on
device. From device to Lotus Notes, Status
of either Busy or Out of Office converts to
Pencil In unchecked.
Note: If you change on device the Status of
all instances of a repeating Reminder, that
change is not reflected in the individual
instances on device and does not sync back
to Lotus Notes.
Description Notes From device to Lotus Notes, all the infor-
mation in the on-device Notes field goes
into the Lotus Notes Description field.
Lotus Notes
Pocket PC
Different representation on Pocket PC OS