Chapter 3
42 / iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.
6. Select the Lotus Notes Installation that you want Pylon to use.
Select one of the Lotus Notes Installations listed and click Next to
continue with the installer License Key Information panel, in step 7
Select Custom Notes Installation if you have a non-standard
configuration of Lotus Notes. Two panels will be displayed for you
to specify the information necessary for Pylon to work with your
custom Notes configuration:
■ Locate Lotus Notes Program Directory — enter or browse to the
directory containing the nnotes.dll file for the Notes installation
you want Pylon to use.
■ Select Lotus Notes Base Version — select the base version for the
installation of Lotus Notes that you want Pylon to use. Ignore the
point number of your Lotus installation and select the base
version that matches your major version number. For example, if
you are using Notes version 6.5, select base version 6.0.
When you click Next after selecting your Lotus Notes base version,
the Pylon installer License Key Information panel appears,
7. Enter the Pylon access key or license key provided in your purchase
confirmation email or by your system administrator, then click Next.
Note If you see an invalid access key error message, check to confirm
that you have entered your access key exactly as it was given to you.
For instructions, see “Troubleshooting: Installing” (page 180).
If you entered an access key, or a license key that is invalid, the
Pylon installer Select Internet Security Option panel appears. If you
entered a valid license key, go to step 9.