
Chapter 6
126 / iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.
Using To Do List on Palm OS
Note that application names differ slightly on different devices. On
newer Palm devices and Pocket PC devices, the To Do List application is
called Tasks. See Table 4-1, “Application names on different device
platforms,” on page 63.
Working with To Do List on your desktop and on your device
Because of inherent differences in the way To Do items are handled in
Lotus Notes vs. your Palm To Do application, the To Do items may be
represented differently on the two platforms. You should be aware of
these differences as you work with To Do records on your device.
Tip If you have your To Do sync Action set to Synchronize the files, most of
the problems you may encounter arise from features in the Lotus Notes
To Do that are not supported in the Palm To Do. For example, Lotus
Notes allows you to make exceptions for individual events in a repeating
series, while the Palm To Do application does not.
You can avoid many potential problems with repeating events by
never modifying individual instances in the series on your device.
Dates after 2031 in Lotus Notes may not sync to your device as
Any event that starts after 2031 is completely ignored.
A repeating series of events with 51 or fewer occureences will
drop any events occurring after 2031.
A repeating series of events that has more than 51 occurrences is
treated as having no end date on your device.
T a b le 6 - 4
To Do events in
Lotus Notes and on
Palm OS device
Lotus Notes
Palm item Different representation on Palm OS device
Subject (item
in To Do)
(Other than not displaying a label like
“Subject” on device, there is no difference
from Lotus Notes.)
Due by Due Date (No difference from Lotus Notes)
Start by Not supported. Palm To Do items only
have a Due Date.
Priority Priority (No difference from Lotus Notes)
Category Category (No difference from Lotus Notes)
Status Status (No difference from Lotus Notes)
Description Note (No difference from Lotus Notes)