Chapter 6
128 / iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.
* This table applies only to newer Palm OS devices (palmOne devices
with Palm OS 5.2.1 or later). On older Palm OS devices, all Lotus Notes
repeating tasks sync to device as Custom repeats.
Custom Occurs:
Edit pattern
Custom repeating pattern of items from
Lotus Notes appear as individual To Do
items on on the device, with no connec-
tion to the series — you must modify or
delete them individually.
for weekends
To Do item in
series moved
to avoid
Treated as Custom in sync; individual
To Do items appear on device, with no
connection to the series.
number of
— If repetitions on device are bounded by an
end date, the entire series syncs to Lotus
Notes. If device repetitions are not
bounded by an end date, only first 51 sync
to Lotus Notes. With 51 repetitions in
Lotus Notes, Appointment on device
repeats indefinitely.
Lotus Notes
Palm item Different representation on Palm OS device