Chapter 5
94 / iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.
additional database or view is “Pylon 2”; the second additional
database or view is “Pylon 3”; and so on.
Tip Use a name that describes the source of this additonal database. for
example, if the additional database or view is for your manager’s
calendar, you might call it “Mgr Calendar.”
6. Click Save Filter to save the changes you have made.
Enabling the additional database or view with initial
sync Action of “Desktop overwrites handheld”
1. Open the Pylon Configuration Database.
For instructions, see “Opening the Pylon Configuration Database”
(page 60).
2. Open the Pylon Configuration document.
For instructions, see “Opening your Pylon Configuration
document” (page 61).
3. Make sure the Additional Databases box is checked.
After installation this box is unchecked by default. You must check
this box in order to be able to sync an additional database or view
for any application.
Checking this box causes a #Apps column to appear.
4. In the #Apps column for the application, select the number of data-
bases you wish to sync.
Click the drop-down to display the Select Keywords panel, then
select the total number of databases you wish to sync for the
application — if you are adding one additional database or view,
select the number that is one more than the number you were
previously syncing for this application. If you know you need to sync
several more databases or views for this application, you can select
that total number now.
5. Click OK to store your selection.
The Configuration Document screen adds an entry for each
additional #Apps (database) you have specified.
6. Set the Filter for the additional database or view.
In the Filter column of the row for the application’s additional
database or view, select the filter you created in “Creating a new
filter for the additional database or view” (page 93).
See Note,n “For multiple Mail databases on Palm...,” under “Making
sure the first database or view has a unique Category Sync name in
its filter” (page 92) for special considerations with Mail on Palm.