Appendix A
180 / iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.
Troubleshooting: Installing
T a b le A - 1
Problems with
Problem Possible cause/steps to take
During installation, you see
the error message:
“You have entered an access
key that is invalid. Please
check that you have entered
your access key correctly.”
The access key that you entered during
installation did not exactly match the access
key provided by iAnywhere.
In either case, do the following:
1. Check your information.
2. Enter your access key exactly as you
received it, using the same case and
including dashes.
If you encounter the error message again,
see “Technical support” (page 22) for
instructions on how to get assistance.
During installation, you see
the Close Down Lotus Notes
dialog box. You click Yes but
the installer does nothing.
If you have forgotten to close Lotus Notes,
you will see the Close Down Lotus Notes
dialog box instead of the Welcome panel.
To move past this dialog box, do the follow-
1. Close Lotus Notes. (In Lotus Notes, click
File|Exit Notes).
2. Return to the installer and click Yes in
the dialog box.
The installer will not close down Lotus
Notes for you.
During installation on Win-
dows XP or Windows 2003,
you see the error message:
“Error loading Lotus Notes
There is a DLL conflict between the js32.dll
file that Lotus Notes has installed and a ver-
sion of js32.dll installed by another applica-
tion in the C:\WINDOWS\system32 directory.
Contact your company’s tech support ser-
vice and ask them to:
1. Determine the application(s) that are
using the js32.dll file from the
C:\WINDOWS\system32 directory.
2. Move a copy of the
C:\WINDOWS\system32 \js32.dll file to the
startup directory of each application
that is using it.
3. Delete the C:\WINDOWS\system32 \js32.dll
Note: If, after this DLL conflict has been
resolved, some other application is installed
and places another js32.dll file in the
C:\WINDOWS\system32 directory, this issue
will reappear. See entry under “Other prob-
lems with syncing” (page 186).