Chapter 7
136 / iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.
F i g u r e 7 - 2
Filter configuration
4. Enter a title for your new filter in the Title field. Following are some
useful guidelines for filter titles:
■ All filters must have a title.
■ The filter title should be unique to avoid duplication and
possible sync errors.
■ Filter titles are limited to a maximum of 128 characters.
Tip It is a good idea to give the filter the same name as the custom
database or View that you plan to sync. This is very helpful if you
plan to sync multiple custom databases.
5. In the App field, click the drop-down arrow, then select Pylon Pro
from the keyword list (if it is not already selected).
6. In the Options field, click Fully Defined Options.
7. Make changes to the Lotus Notes Configuration section, which con-
tains these Lotus Notes database-specific fields.
■ Server: Click the drop-down arrow to display a Keyword list of
known servers. Select Local if you are syncing to a Lotus Notes
custom database on your desktop, or enter the name of the Lotus