Chapter 9
170 / iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.
Editing a record
1. From the Read View of a database record, tap Edit.
The item appears in the Edit View.
2. Make changes to the database record.
3. Tap Done.
Working with notes
The Note View is a text-only field attached to the current record item. It
is like any other text field, but with a larger size limit.
Attaching and editing a note
If you wish to attach a Note to a record or to edit a Note that is already
attached, do the following:
1. From the Edit View of a database record, tap Note.
The Note View screen appears.
F i g u r e 9 - 1 0
Pylon Pro Note View
The Edit Note screen appears.
2. Edit the Note View screen using Graffiti, the virtual Keyboard, and
the Editing functions accessible from the Menu silk screen button.
3. When you are done, tap Done.
Deleting a note
1. From the Read View of a database record, tap the Menu silk screen
2. Tap Record|Delete Note.
3. Tap Yes when prompted.