- 151 -
congestion-notify CPID devid < 0-16777215 >
no congestion-notify CPID devid
<0-16777215> - This command sets the Device ID of CPID
no - This command configure device identifier to default value.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Config
The user can go to the CLI Global Configuration Mode to configure the LSB field of CPID of CNM payload.
Use the ‘congestion-notify CPID LSB Q_No’ global configuration command to set the CPID mode to use
queue number of sampled packet. Use the ‘congestion-notify LSB CPIndex’ to configure device identifier
to use congestion point index.
congestion-notify CPID LSB { CPIndex | Q_No}
CPIndex - This command configures queue number of sampled packet.
Q_No - This command sets congestion point index.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Config congestion-notify outer
This command set value of CNM's outer VLAN tag's CFI bits, value of CNM's outer VLAN tag's 802.1p
bits, value of CNM's outer VLAN tag's TPID, and set the CNM's outer VLAN ID.
congestion-notify outer { CFI <-1-1> | Dot1p <-1-7> | TPID <0-65535> | vlan <0-4095>}