- 235 -
none - no use authentication method.
no - This command sets the authentication protocol to be used for the specified login user to none.
The <username> is the login user name for which the specified authentication protocol will be used.
Default Setting
No authentication
Command Mode
Global Config username snmpv3 encryption
This command specifies the encryption protocol and key to be used for the specified login user. The valid
encryption protocols are none or des. The des protocol requires a key, which can be specified on the
command line. The key may be up to 16 characters. If the des protocol is specified but a key is not
provided, the user will be prompted to enter the key. If none is specified, a key must not be provided. The
<username> is the login user name for which the specified encryption protocol will be used.
username snmpv3 encryption <username> {none | des [<key>]}
no username snmpv3 encryption <username>
<username> - is the login user name.
des - des encryption protocol.
none - no encryption protocol.
no - This command sets the encryption protocol to none. The <username> is the login user name for
which the specified encryption protocol will be used.
Default Setting
No encryption
Command Mode
Global Config Set the password aging
The user can go to the CLI Global Configuration Mode to set the password aging, use the passwords
aging <1-365> Global configuration command. Use the no passwords aging return to default value 0.
If the passwords aging is set, the local user will be prompted to change it before logging in again when the
local user’s password expires.