- 845 -
Selection Criteria
Port - Selects the port to be displayed. When the selection is changed, a screen refresh will occur
causing all fields to be updated for the newly selected port. All physical interfaces are valid.
Non-Configurable Data
Control Mode - Displays the configured control mode for the specified port. Options are:
force unauthorized: The authenticator port access entity (PAE) unconditionally sets the controlled
port to unauthorized
force authorized: The authenticator PAE unconditionally sets the controlled port to authorized.
auto: The authenticator PAE sets the controlled port mode to reflect the outcome of the
authentication exchanges between the supplicant, authenticator, and the authentication server.
mac based: The authenticator PAE sets the controlled port mode to reflect the outcome of the
authentication exchanges between the supplicant, authenticator, and the authentication server on
a per supplicant basis.
Quiet Period(secs) - This field displays the configured quiet period for the selected port. This quiet
period is the value, in seconds, of the timer used by the authenticator state machine on this port to
define periods of time in which it will not attempt to acquire a supplicant. The quiet period is the period
for which the authenticator does not attempt to acquire a supplicant after a failed authentication
exchange with the supplicant. The quiet period is a number in the range of 0 and 65535.