- 911 -
and direction, the specified access list replaces the currently attached access list using that sequence
number. If the sequence number is not specified by the user, a sequence number that is one greater
than the highest sequence number currently in use for this interface and direction will be used. Valid
range is (1 to 4294967295).
Non-Configurable Data
Slot/Port - Displays selected interface.
Direction - Displays selected packet filtering direction for ACL.
ACL Type - Displays the type of ACL assigned to selected interface and direction.
ACL Identifier - Displays the ACL Number(in case of IP ACL) or ACL Name(in case of MAC ACL)
identifying the ACL assigned to selected interface and direction.
Sequence Number - Displays the Sequence Number signifying the order of specified ACL relative to
other ACLs assigned to selected interface and direction.
Command Buttons
Submit - Send the updated configuration to the switch. Configuration changes take effect
immediately. These changes will not be retained across a power cycle unless a save is performed.
Remove - Removes the currently selected ACL Interface Direction Mapping from the switch
configuration. Configuring Access Control List VLAN ACL Configuration Page
Configurable Data
VLAN ID - Specifies list of all configured VLAN Id(s) for ACL mapping.
Direction - Specifies the packet filtering direction for ACL. Valid Directions:
• Inbound
ACL Type - Specifies the type of ACL. Valid ACL Types:
• IPv6 ACL