- 200 -
serviceport ip <ipaddr> <netmask>
<ipaddr> - The user manually configures IP address for this switch.
<netmask> - The user manually configures Subnet Mask for this switch.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Config serviceport protocol
This command specifies the network management port configuration protocol. If you modify this value,
the change is effective immediately. If you use the bootp parameter, the switch periodically sends
requests to a BootP server until a response is received. If you use the dhcp parameter, the switch
periodically sends requests to a DHCP server until a response is received. If you use the none parameter,
you must configure the network information for the switch manually.
serviceport protocol {none | bootp | dhcp | dhcp6}
none - Configure the network information for the switch manually.
bootp - Periodically sends requests to a BootP server until a response is received.
dhcp - Periodically sends requests to a DHCP server until a response is received.
dhcp6 - Periodically sends requests to a DHCPv6 server until a response is received.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Config serviceport ipv6 enable
Use this command to enable IPv6 operation on the service port.