- 211 -
Default Setting
The base MAC address displayed using hexadecimal notation as specified in IEEE 802 standard.
Command Mode
Global Config
This command sets the Configuration Identifier Revision Level for use in identifying the configuration that
this switch is currently using. The Configuration Identifier Revision Level is a number in the range of 0 to
spanning-tree configuration revision <0-65535>
no spanning-tree configuration revision
<value> - Revision Level is a number in the range of 0 to 65535.
no - This command sets the Configuration Identifier Revision Level for use in identifying the
configuration that this switch is currently using to the default value, that is, 0.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Config spanning-tree mode
This command sets the Force Protocol Version parameter to a new value. The Force Protocol Version
can be one of the following:
1. stp - ST BPDUs are transmitted rather than MST BPDUs (IEEE 802.1d functionality supported)
2. rstp - RST BPDUs are transmitted rather than MST BPDUs (IEEE 802.1w functionality supported)
3. mstp - MST BPDUs are transmitted (IEEE 802.1s functionality supported)
spanning-tree mode {stp | rstp | mstp}
no spanning-tree mode
no - This command sets the Force Protocol Version parameter to the default value, that is, mstp.
Default Setting
Command Mode