- 443 -
show ip ospf neighbor [interface <slot/port>] [<ip-address>]
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If you do not specify an IP address, a table with the following columns displays for all neighbors or the
neighbor associated with the interface that you specify:
Router ID: The 4-digit dotted-decimal number of the neighbor router.
Priority: The OSPF priority for the specified interface. The priority of an interface is a priority integer
from 0 to 255. A value of '0' indicates that the router is not eligible to become the designated router on
this network.
IP Address: The IP address of the neighbor.
Interface: The interface of the local router in slot/port format.
State: The state of the neighboring routers. Possible values are:
• Down - initial state of the neighbor conversation - no recent information has been received
from the neighbor.
• Attempt - no recent information has been received from the neighbor but a more concerted
effort should be made to contact the neighbor.
• Init - an Hello packet has recently been seen from the neighbor, but bidirectional
communication has not yet been established.
• 2 way - communication between the two routers is bidirectional.
• Exchange start - the first step in creating an adjacency between the two neighboring routers,
the goal is to decide which router is the master and to decide upon the initial DD sequence
• Exchange - the router is describing its entire link state database by sending Database
Description packets to the neighbor.
• Loading - Link State Request packets are sent to the neighbor asking for the more recent
LSAs that have been discovered (but not yet received) in the Exchange state.
• Full - the neighboring routers are fully adjacent and they will now appear in router-LSAs and
Dead Time: The amount of time, in seconds, to wait before the router assumes the neighbor is
If you specify an IP address for the neighbor router, the following fields display:
Interface: Valid slot and port number separated by a forward slash.
Neighbor IP Address: The IP address of the neighbor router.
Interface Index: The interface ID of the neighbor router.
Area ID: The area ID of the OSPF area associated with the interface.