Detailed Operation
System (SYS) Function
The System function allows you to set general Nav preferences, obtain version information, and perform tests
on the operation of your MX20.
System Nav Pages
Ownship Symbol
The Ownship Symbol option allows you to choose the type of icon that will represent your aircraft on the
display. You can make selections of Single, Twin, Jet, or Helicopter.
Lat/Lon Format
The Lat/Lon format option allows you to select between two choices for the display of Lat/Lon coordinates.
Choose between degrees-minutes-seconds-seconds decimals (DD MM SS.SS) or degrees-minutes-minutes
decimals (DD MM.MM).
Set Baro Correction Units
Baro-Correction (QNH) can now be entered in Millibars in addition to Hg. This preference is set under the
SYS function.
Set Baro Correction
You may enter the corrected barometric pressure so that the proper pressure altitude will be displayed.
1. Press the MENU ITEM key for Set Baro Correction.
2. The Function “smart” keys at the bottom of the display will have direction arrows above them. Press the
UP/DOWN arrow keys to change the value of the highlighted number. Press the LEFT/RIGHT arrow
keys to move to another number.
3. Press MENU/ENTER to save the changed values and leave the Set Baro Correction option.
System Nav Setup Menu Items (Page 1)