
Detailed Operation
TAS / TCAD Traffic (TRAF) Function
The MX20 I/O Traffic model supports interfaces to third party traffic sensors. The traffic function, when inter-
faced to the Goodrich Skywatch, the Honeywell IHAS (both referred to as TAS sensors), or the Ryan TCAD is
capable of displaying traffic targets as supplied by those sensors. Standard TCAS-type symbology is used and
several menu options are available for adjusting the traffic presentation. Review the Limitations section in the
front of this guide for the limitations that apply to traffic data.
The traffic menu options vary depending on the traffic sources selected during the installation procedures but
the display symbology is the same.
Traffic Depiction
Your position (ownship symbol) is located at the tip of the aircraft icon at center of the screen. The traffic func-
tion is always shown in heading mode, meaning that track based flight plan information is not overlaid. Traffic
can also be shown on the Custom Map and in a small thumbnail view presented in the upper left corner of the
screen. Note that a heading input is required to display TAS traffic on the Custom Map.
Alert Hot Key
Traffic alerts go one step further than the Advisory hot key feature and will automatically bring up the Func-
tion Menu showing the TAS/TCAD function. A single key press can then be used to switch the display to the
Traffic function. The Alert hot key feature will automatically clear when the traffic alert condition no longer
Traffic Alert Pop-Up
When a Traffic Alert occurs, the system can automatically switch to the Traffic function and the zoom level will
be adjusted to view the traffic. The Alert Hot Key or Traffic Alert Pop-Up mode option is selectable in the Traf-
fic menu and only occurs when the display is set to some function other than Traffic.
TAS/TCAD Traffic
TAS/TCAD Traffic page showing 360 degree arc
Traffic Alert pop-up