Detailed Operation
Graphical Weather (WX) Display
Weather radar images are available for display from the FIS sensor by selecting the Graphical WX option. A
cyan cross-hatch pattern indicates no data has been received from the FIS sensor. Solid cyan areas represent
areas where the ground based weather radars are unable to monitor weather. This is typically caused by terrain
obstruction. When depicted, color coded weather intensity is presented and is an indication of radar echo
return strength. The same colors are used for US and Canadian weather. Because of weather radar differences,
do not assume that the same actual weather intensities are represented by the same colors. The intensities as-
sociated with the color codes are available by viewing the Legend Overlay Option. The legend associated with
the weather radar image is shown for the depicted radar data, US or Canadian.
Graphical WX Overlay Options
A variety of graphical information is available with the Overlay function that is available when viewing the
Graphical WX display. Press the OVRL function key to view and select available options. Some or all of the
following may be available, based on your FIS subscription.
• METARs, US, and/or Canadian (determined by subscription)
• Echo Tops
• TFRs
• US and/or Canadian Weather Radar (determined by subscription)
• Label
• Flight Plan
• Legend
• Map Detail
• Map Orientation