Detailed Operation
UAT Flight Information Service (FIS) Function
The FIS Function is a graphic weather display capable of displaying graphical weather information on UAT
equipped installations. Graphical data is overlaid on the map indicating the rainfall detected by ground based
radar for a specific area. The colors indicating increasing levels of rainfall progresses from light green for light
rainfall to magenta for heavy rainfall. Review the Limitations section in the front of this guide for the limita-
tions that apply to the FIS data. Rainfall data is color coded as follows:
Brown/Blue Zero rainfall (transparent color)
Light Green Light rainfall
Dark Green
Magenta Heavy rainfall
Cyan No rainfall data available
A cyan checkerboard pattern indicates that no data is available for area, and rainfall in that area is unknown.
When weather data is received, the airborne system will display that data for 20 minutes, or until the power is
cycled. If no new data has been received for a given area, the rainfall will be removed and the area will revert
back to the cyan checkerboard pattern.
The FIS Function is based on a ground-to-air data link and requires that the appropriate ground systems are
broadcasting weather data and the aircraft is within reception range of the Ground Broadcast Transceiver (GBT).
If any weather data has been received in the previous two minutes, the “Service” indicator in the lower left
of the screen will display “Available.” If no data has been received in this time period, “Not Available” will
be shown. This indicator shows if the aircraft is currently within reception coverage of a ground station with
weather broadcast capabilities.
The ground system determines the weather coverage area and extent of data that is transmitted by each ground
station. The MX20 will display any weather received for the entire world.
UAT FIS Graphic Weather Info with GDL 90