Detailed Operation
Test (Skywatch)
TAS Test will be displayed if the Traffic sensor is in the Test Mode.
Not Displayed
An amber “Traffic Not Displayed” will be shown if the GPS position or the Traffic sensor has failed.
TAS Fail
System Failure, shown in amber.
TAS Data Fail
Label set sent by the Skywatch unit has failed the integrity check. Shown in amber.
TAS Time-Out
MX20 is not receiving labels from the TAS unit. Shown in amber.
No Bearing Advisories
Traffic advisories without a valid bearing will be listed in text form below the ownship symbol.
TAS Menu Options
Traffic Alert Mode (Pop-Up/Prompt)
The Traffic Alert mode allows you to configure the currently selected Traffic Alert response. If Pop Up is
selected, the Traffic function will automatically pop up when a Traffic Alert occurs. If the Prompt mode is
selected, the Traffic Alert hot key prompt is shown when a Traffic Alert occurs. If the Traffic function is already
being viewed, neither will occur.
Standby Mode
The Standby mode places the TAS unit into the standby mode. In this mode, the unit will not display
traffic targets or generate traffic alerts. See the TAS Users Guide for additional information.
TAS/TCAD Traffic