
Detailed Operation
Winds Aloft
The Winds Aloft selection provides the pilot with the wind speed and direction. The winds at a given altitude
are selected in the Winds Aloft Alt menu item. The update rate is every 12 minutes.
Winds Aloft Altitude
The Winds Aloft selection provides the pilot with the wind speed and direction at a selected altitude from
the ground up to 42,000 feet in altitude and is selected in 3,000 foot increments. When no data is shown at
a given altitude, the data for that altitude has not been received. Wait for the next update. The update rate is
every 12 minutes.
Press MENU/ENTER key and then press the TFR Lbl Menu Item key to toggle the TFR Identifier Labels on
and off. The TFR Identifier Labels note the TFR number and upper altitude near the TFR outline.
Press MENU/ENTER key and then press the LABEL Menu Item key to toggle the station labels on and off.
Flight Plan
Press MENU/ENTER key and then press the FLIGHT PLAN Menu Item key to toggle the Flight Plan course
line on and off. The magenta line is the active leg.
XM FIS Winds Aloft
GDL 69/69A - FIS
Winds Aloft Legend