Detailed Operation
Transmit Status
(ADS-B Broadcast Options - GDL 90 UAT only)
Selecting Tx Alt allows ADS-B position reports to be transmitted with altitude information. Tx Alt Off removes
altitude information from the ADS-B position reports. Standby suspends ADS-B position reports, but displays
other aircraft data when available. These modes are similar to “ALT,” “ON,” and “Standby” on a standard tran-
sponder. The MX20 must be configured as the UAT’s control panel to make this function available.
ADS-B Broadcast Mode Control
For ADS-B equipped installs, this feature allows the pilot to control the broadcast mode of their aircraft.
Broadcast options are controlled via the Traffic Function Menu and allow the pilot to toggle between Broadcast
FID / Broadcast VFR. The MX20 must be configured as the UAT’s control panel to make this function available.
Broadcast FID
Causes the currently set Flight ID and permanently assigned ICAO address to be broadcast with the aircraft’s
current position. The Flight ID and the ICAO address are shown on the lower right corner of the Traffic Func-
tion page. The Flight ID is pilot-settable via the menu option “Enter FID” in alphanumeric characters. The
ICAO address is a value set during system install by the installer.
Broadcast VFR
Causes a fixed Flight ID of “VFR” and a randomly generated ICAO address to be broadcast with the aircraft’s
current position. This mode is similar to anonymously squawking “VFR 1200” on a standard transponder.
ADS-B Traffic