Detailed Operation
Custom Map Menu Option Page 4
The fourth option page of the Custom Map function lets you select options for choices of Airport Charts, Ter-
rain, Obstructions, Traffic, and Lightning Strikes.
Airport Chart
Airport surface charts provide a graphical presentation of the airport surface area (runways, taxiways, build-
ings, towers and other objects), within the immediate airport vicinity.
From either the Custom Map or the IFR En Route Map, airport surface charts will automatically be loaded and
displayed as an overlay if the following conditions are met:
• The airport surface chart is within the loaded database
• The airport surface chart is geo-referenced by Jeppesen
• Airport Chart menu layer is turned on
• The aircraft position is within the coverage of the chart
• A loaded chart is not being “flown”
The Terrain option allows you select the display of topographical features. Pressing the MENU ITEM key
next to the Terrain option toggles between sectional (absolute), terrain awareness (relative), or no display of
topographical features. The sectional (absolute) display shows a display similar to a sectional map. The terrain
awareness (absolute) display shows a color coded view where the colors relate to terrain elevation relative to
your altitude. For more information about the terrain awareness option, see the Terrain function section. When
you turn the Terrain feature off, the background is either black or white depending on your selection in the
Invert option. When no terrain data is available, the missing areas will be shown in light blue. Water will not
be shown in relative mode. Review the Limitations section in the front of this guide.
Custom Map
Custom Map page with Terrain and Menu Items
(Page 4)
Custom Map page with Chart View loaded and
Menu Items (Page 4)