
Version 1.2 Page 12 4/22/04
Step 5 Enter FS0: or the file structured device that OpenVMS installed on it:
Shell> fs0:
Step 6 Change the directory containing the OpenVMS initial boot loader by issuing
cd \efi\vms
fs0:\> cd \efi\vms
Step 7 Invoke the initial loader by entering vms_loader -fl 0,2. The -fl is one way to specify
boot time flags just like on an Alpha system with the SRM console.
fs0:\efi\vms> vms_loader -fl 0,2
HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 Evaluation Release XA0K-J2S
© Copyright 1976-2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
"Usual output suppressed"
%SET-I-INTSET, login interactive limit = 64, current interactive value = 0
SYSTEM job terminated at 3-NOV-2003 12:32:35.45
Accounting information:
Buffered I/O count: 2114 Peak working set size: 13424
Direct I/O count: 1601 Peak virtual size: 220384
Page faults: 2899 Mounted volumes: 0
Charged CPU time: 0 00:00:05.96 Elapsed time: 0 00:00:36.44
Forcing a Crash
To force a crash of OpenVMS, first try entering Ctrl/P. If the system is booted with XDelta, you can then
enter the ;c command to force a crash. If the system is not booted with XDelta, you see the following:
Crash (y/n): y
**** OpenVMS I64 Operating System XA0K-J2S - BUGCHECK ****
** Bugcheck code = 00000965: DEBUGCRASH, Debugger forced system crash
** Crash CPU: 00 Primary CPU: 00 Active CPUs: 00000003
** Current Process = NULL
** Current PSB ID = 00000001
** Image Name =
**** Starting compressed selective memory dump at 30-OCT-2003 17:34...