
Version 1.2 Page 20 4/22/04
MP Firmware Update
FW: Activates MP firmware upgrade mode.
This command is available from either the LAN or local serial port. This command activates firmware
upgrade mode, which loads new firmware through the MP LAN by FTP (which must be operational). An
MP Reset is generated after the upgrade is complete.
HE: Display help for menu or command
This command displays the MP hardware and firmware version identity and the date and time of firmware
generation. If executed from the MP Main Menu, general information about the MP and those commands
displayed in the MP Main Menu are displayed. If executed in command mode, displays a list of command
interface commands available to the user. Displays detailed help information in response to a topic or
command at the help prompt.
Display System ID
ID: Display/modify system information.
This command allows the user to display and modify the following:
SNMP contact information
o SNMP server information
o SPU hostname
Inactivity Timeout
IT: Inactivity Timeout settings
The session inactivity timeout is up to 1,440 minutes. The default is 60 minutes. This timeout prevents
sessions to the system from being inadvertently left open. A session can be started by the SE command. An
open session can prevent users from logging onto the MP through a port and can also prevent system
applications from initiating an outbound connection.
MP inactivity timeout is up to 1,440 minutes. The default is 5 minutes. This timeout prevents a user from
inadvertently keeping the MP locked in MP Command Interface mode preventing other users from looking
at the console output. The MP Command Interface inactivity timeout may not be deactivated.
Flow control timeout is 0 to 60 minutes. If it is set to 0, no timeout is applied. This timeout prevents
mirrored flow control from blocking other ports when inactive.